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Development & Zoning

Development and zoning in Mansfield are guided by a comprehensive framework designed to support responsible growth while maintaining the community’s character. The city’s zoning regulations help manage land use, ensuring that development aligns with Mansfield’s long-term goals for residential, commercial, and industrial growth. Whether you’re planning a new project or exploring land use options, understanding the city’s zoning laws and development process is key to ensuring a smooth and successful experience.

Planning Department

It is recommended before you begin the development process that you schedule either a DRC or PRC meeting with City staff to help you familiarize yourself with the requirements in Mansfield. The major steps in the City of Mansfield development process are outlined below.

The DRC offers developers, business owners, and architects an opportunity to meet with city departments—Building, Planning, Engineering, Fire, and Water Utilities—before applying for a building permit. This informal meeting helps address zoning, building codes, fire codes, and the platting process. While no specific exhibits are required, providing materials like a site plan, location map, or building elevations will help staff offer better guidance. DRC meetings are held every Wednesday morning.

For more information, contact the Planning Department at (817) 276-4259.

The PRC reviews proposed zoning changes, development plans, plats, and gas well applications before they are presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The committee, consisting of staff from Planning, Engineering, Parks, Fire, and Water Utilities, discusses internal review comments and can also meet with developers to discuss projects before or after formal submission. PRC meetings are held at 9:00 a.m. on Fridays following Planning and Zoning Commission meetings, which occur on the first and third Mondays of each month.

For questions or to schedule a meeting, contact the Planning Department at (817) 276-4259.

A permit is required for construction, changes in use or occupancy, alterations, and repairs, including plumbing, electrical, mechanical, and irrigation work. To apply, submit a completed application, required fees, and supporting documentation that clearly outlines the proposed work and demonstrates compliance with city codes and ordinances. For questions, contact the Development Services Department at (817) 276-4220 or (817) 276-4209.

A permit will be issued once all requirements are met.

There are specific regulations regarding the types of signage that may be used, please refer to section 7100 of the Zoning Ordinance which can be found on the City of Mansfield website or contact Planning and Zoning at (817) 276-4287.

Multifamily and non-residential projects are inspected by Building, Engineering, Planning, Fire, and Environmental Services for the various requirements of each of these departments. Preconstruction meetings are required by the Building Division and are attended by all departments. Prior to a final inspection of a structure by the Building Inspector all site requirements of the various departments must be complete. It is advised that a walkthrough be scheduled with the various departments well in advance of the anticipated building completion to prevent a delay in the final inspection of the building. Contractors need to call the 24-hour recorded inspection line at (817) 276-4269 to request an inspection.

A CO is issued by the Building Official for all multi-family and non-residential projects. As stated above, all requirements of the various departments must be complete prior to a final inspection. A CO is required for the building owner and a separate CO is required for each tenant. To obtain a CO, contact Development Services at (817) 276-4269.

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